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Gissele Randleman

Specifically Selected!

We're looking. Looking for just the right thing. I know you have been there. You don't know what it is but you'll know it when you see it. When we find it, we chose it. When I think about being chosen, selected, sought out, it makes me think that there is something special about us that I would be chosen.

I love to select things that are unique, whether it's a card, a gift or even a friend. There are plenty of things in this world that are just copies of something else. But there are the things that are very valuable because they are one of a kind. Those are the things that have been specifically made by God as His unique creation. I want to challenge you with the thought that you one of a kind. There's no dollar amount that can be placed on your value. You really are that special. Believe me you really are. Psalms 139:14 says that I am fearfully and wonderfully made, marvellous are thy works; and that I know right well. I was not designed in a factory and God didn’t throw a bunch of characteristic into the air to see what landed and that's how you or I were created. I believe He looked at at the parents that I would need and said she needs this or that and they can help groom her into the beautiful creation I've designed. I believe that I was selected for them and they were selected for me.You might say these are just words and they are. These words are something that you and I can truly believe right now. I haven't always seen my true value, worth and beauty but I do now and you should embrace yours.

I’m sure that there may have been circumstances in life that you’ve faced which made you think you were an accident or after thought. Guess what you weren’t. I've heard people refer to an unplanned pregnancy as an accident. I don’t believe that God makes accidents. I know that God is intentional. You were chosen with the utmost of care. God picked the right parents so that you would end up with that beautiful nose that you hate or those ears that can’t seem to stay tucked in. The Bible says that we are chosen, God's possession. God knows the things that are going to come our way.

Many of us face things that are difficult and hard to bear. Some how we get through them. How because you were chosen with care, built to bear it? You were hand picked, selected to make God look good. Maybe you don’t think you make God look good. Maybe you don’t even know God or think He loves you so you don’t love Him. It’s so much easier to listen to and believe the lie that you aren’t loved and there is nothing special about you but I can assure you it is a lie. I challenge you to look around and see the ways that God loves you and how really special you are.

You really are one of a kind. There is magnificent beauty in you and in all of His creation.

When we turn down the volume of this world and everything that is constantly being shouted at us we will hear the whispers of our loving Father. The whispers of love, comfort and concern He has for us.

The next time you decide to chose that special item may you will be reminded that you have been specifically selected. You were chosen with care, God's beautiful, unique, creation.

From my heart to yours,

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