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Gissele Randleman

Say Yes!

Procrastination! Do you know what that is? It’s a thief! I say it’s a thief because it’s keeps us from doing things that we want to do or need to do. We always think there will be time to get it done. Getting back to what? What is that thing that you have allowed to go by the wayside? Some how you manage to find something that is always more important than doing the thing your really need to do. You know what that thing is. For each of us it’s something different. I bet there’s at least one thing running around your mind right now. You feel the emotion stirring in your gut and you know that God is putting His finger on it. Yes there it is. It’s not going to go away. I completely understand what that is. If you haven’t been there keep living and you will. I hope that I am able to challenge, inspire and make you think. I want you to think about your life and the daily challenges you face. I want to be that little voice in your ear that says “be encouraged”, “go for it”, “you can do it”.

As I’m cheering you on I’m cheering myself on. Say yes to whatever it is that you keep starting and stoping. You don’t have to be perfect to get started. Very few of us are anywhere near perfect. It’s so much easier to relate to the imperfect person than someone who has been put on a pedestal as a role model of perfection. I have allowed my imperfections to stop me from trying for years. I’m encouraged when I hear stories of someone like me who rose above their imperfections and did that thing anyway. You fill in the blank. I’m hoping that you’ll join in being encouraged by that person who dared to share their story and got the opportunity to brighten someone else’s day. Anyone can be an agent of change. Change can start with something as simple as deciding to change the way you think. Sure it may be a struggle in the begging but look all around change is constant and everywhere.

We’re in the last quarter of this year and things are changing all around us. Seasons are changing not only outside but in our lives. We can decide to be carried along by whatever the flow is or we can decide to get out our oars and get busy going against the current or whatever that thing is that wants you to remain the same in your life.

Saying Yes to the Lord, or to simplifying your life will not always be easy. I’m not an expert on these types of things but I’m an expert on living my life, the good and the bad of it. I have noticed that God will ask me to do some very specific things when it comes to my YES.


Living a life full of surrender is something that is unavoidable if you intend to give God your complete YES. When you think you’ve surrendered all to God keep living and He will dig deep and put His finger on yet another thing that wants to be an idol in your life. Surrender that too. Surrender your right to hold on to it and say that it’s no big deal. If it isn’t give it over to God and see what God does. There’s a story in the Bible about Abraham and his son Issac. God was requiring Abraham to sacrifice his son. Issac was a gift from God and now God was saying kill your son. I can imagine Abraham saying, “Are you sure God? Is that really what you are saying?” How many times have we questioned God in the surrender? I know I have. The story doesn’t end there. If you don’t know the ending I encourage to pick up your bible or even Google what happened. I’ll just say there’s a surprise ending.


Do you have courage to embrace the fear of the unknown? This is an area where I have always been challenged and yet God continues to put scary things in my path. They are not scary for Him as in will she make it through this. He already know my beginning and my ending. The question for me is will I trust God completely as I take one step at a time? Courage for me has always meant come out of your comfort zone. Sometimes courage means do the thing that doesn’t make sense or be a trail blazer. It doesn’t matter that those around you haven’t done it or understand your decision. You go first.

Be bold

Be bold in your resolve to say yes to God. Whatever the yes is don’t cower like a victim. Your yes will take an act of faith. Your boldness says that you trust God. Our decisions may be challenged and our boldness may be questioned. When you are bold you will gain or have the confidence needed to know that God will come through for you and He will.


Bow before the Lord your maker. God is a great king who loves His people. He loves humility over arrogance and pride. So bow in service to our maker. It may not feel good at times but He loves us and our service to Him is always rewarded.


Serve God, serve the people. Use everything that He has given you to serve His people. Your opinion doesn’t matter when it comes to service. Will you serve with gratitude or complaining?

Back in the spring I said that we were specifically selected. If you haven’t read my blog I challenge you to go back and read it. Many months have gone by and life continues. I’m encouraging you and me to move from knowledge to doing. You are selected for what? You may have asked God the question of what did you select me for? What’s my purpose? Why am I here? Good question. There are those who find their purpose at at young age, grow and thrive in it and their are others like me who continue asking the question “What was your plan for me when you gave me life”? I do believe we all have a destined purpose and there’s hope for us to find it and thrive in it as long as God gives us life.

I’m saying yes to being someone that God can use as His mouthpiece to say “God loves you, keep trying, you are more beautiful, talented and wonderful than you or this world gives you credit for”. Yes, the world and the people in your world are better because of you and some small act of kindness you do or have done. Be willing to say yes to something. You are more than you’ll ever know and three letters, Y E S can change everything.

From my heart to yours,

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Kathy Dennis Rhodes
Kathy Dennis Rhodes
2022년 10월 18일

You nailed it! A little procrastination in all of us... thanks for the encouragement and love that comes through your writing and connects our hearts! Blessings Sister! Keep writing!

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